Map room

Find a map or geospatial dataset of the North, First Nations, Inuit and Metis communities and programs that have partnered with Indigenous communities. The maps are available as web-based interactive maps or static maps that can be downloaded and printed.

Featured maps

Maps and Data of First Nations in Canada

Maps and Data of First
									Nations in Canada

These maps show the status of First Nations in Canada symbolized as the Indian Act, the Land Management Act or Self-Government.

Aboriginal and Treaty Rights Information System (ATRIS)

								and Treaty Rights Information System (ATRIS)

ATRIS is an Internet-based mapping interface to display the location of Indigenous communities and information on their established and potential Aboriginal and treaty rights.

Indian Residential Schools Interactive Map

Indian Residential
							Schools Interactive Map

This interactive map allows users to visualize the location of former residential school sites as well as provide information on the current status and historical context of the site.

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